Gob Squad: War and Peace

Gob Squad: War and Peace


Is it possible to live a moral life in an ethically imperfect world?

A new live video performance, and collective leaf through the pages of a huge novel dealing with a huge subject. Gob Squad blur history with the present to try and get to grips with the topic of conflict, big and small.

Guests are introduced according to rank and status, some are invited to drink fine champagne and contemplate their relation to conflict, freedom and privilege. Entertainment and distraction is provided in the form of Dance, Song and Fashion shows. As the performers put on the roles of historic leaders and czars they begin to compete for the audience’s empathy and identification. Egos duel as the performers draw on the ordinariness of their own day to day perspectives of power. Playful and improvised, War and Peace is a reflection of Tolstoy’s desire to dissect the conditions of history and ask if it is possible to live a moral life in an ethically imperfect world? Or in our times, how can we live inside capitalism, comfortable in the knowledge of the absolute damage and suffering that our daily, ordinary “peaceful” lifestyles promise?

BSL interpreter for War & Peace.

14yrs+. Free Post Show Discussion.

Don't miss Gob Squad's "We Are Gob Squad & So Are You" on Tuesday 14 November 2017
