Litfest: All Day Poetry Shindig

Litfest: All Day Poetry Shindig


Lancaster's Litfest presents an 'All Day Poetry Shindig' in the LICA Building at Lancaster University.

Lancaster Litfest: All Day Poetry Shindig
All events listed below are held within the LICA building on Saturday 20 October 2012.

Litfest events (with the exception of John Hegley) are booked via the Dukes Box office (01524 598500). Alternatively you can purchase tickets to each individual event direct from Litfest.

Please note the 'All Day Pass' does not include entry to John Hegley in the evening.

12 - 1pm
Amarjit Chandan and Razmik Davoyan - Arc World Poets
Arc Poets present readings from two of their poets from Punjab and Armenia

1.30pm - 2.30pm
Katharine Kilalea and Isobel Dixon - Crossing Hemispheres
Readings from two women poets born in South Africa and working in the UK

3 - 4pm
William Letford and Rommi Smith - The Way it Sounds
Readings from two poets who work with the power of the spoken word.

4.30 - 5.30pm
Claire Crowther and Geraldine Monk - Their Own Unique World
Readings from two poets with strikingly individual styles and original ways with language

6 - 7pm
Gillian Clarke and Robert Crawford - Meeting of Hearts and Minds
Readings by two established and acclaimed poets, one Scottish, one Welsh.