Abattoir Ferme: Tourniquet

Abattoir Ferme: Tourniquet


UK Premiere performance from accclaimed Belgian theatre collective.

Abattoir Ferme is a theatre collective based in Mechelen, Belgium, and recently won the Belgian Cultural Award 2007 for performance. Formed in 1999, their earliest productions of 'cult guerrilla theatre' blended Dadaism and horror movies to stunning effect. More recently they have been critically acclaimed for their visual mix of avant-garde, Hollywood, science fiction, Hieronymus Bosch and David Lynch.

Tourniquet is their first UK performance. It is a silent and film-like piece suggesting the history of a house and its three 'ghosts' in a wordless production exploring ritual, trance and exorcism.

NB this show is recommended age 16+, containing nudity and disturbing images.

Monday 18 February 2008 @ 8pm
