Beethoven - Quintet for Piano and Wind in E flat Op.16
Francaix - Theme and Variations for clarinet and piano
Poulenc - Trio for oboe, bassoon and piano
Mozart - Quintet for Piano and Wind in E flat K452
Manchester Camerata's brilliant wind principals are joined by the outstanding pianist Benjamin Frith in an irresistible programme. Poulencís 'Mozartian' Trio brims over with infectious wit and soulful lyricism while Francaix's more sober Theme is followed by a set of florid Variations, jazzy in mood and immediate in appeal. Beethoven clearly had Mozart's quintet for piano and wind in mind when composing his own, with the same instrumentation, key and structure. Mozart considered his quintet to be 'the best work I have so far composed', the characteristics and balance of each instrument beautifully judged. The later quintet bears the unmistakable stamp of Beethovenian genius, his craftsmanship creating music that resembles a chamber concerto for piano and wind.
Tickets: £15.50, £13 (£13, £10.50 concessions) £7 Young person