Two Destination Language: 40/40

Two Destination Language: 40/40

Our opening show, 40/40, from Two Destination Language, is an inspiring, insightful and moving celebration of Katherina Radeva’s 40 years as a woman, a migrant and an artist. Claiming space on a dance floor for one, she writes stories of her past, present and future, in speech, and in movement. 

From the little girl dancing at her parents’ student parties, to the teenage rhythm gymnast who was body-shamed, to the creative who refuses to be categorised, we see a choreography of all the joys and sorrows of 40 years. Katherina is an irresistible performer whose authenticity and generosity shines in this life-affirming piece. 

Supported by three brilliant choreographers - Liz Aggiss, Lucy Suggate and Rachel Krische, Katherina’s 40/40 is the result of 40 years of joy, migrancy and hardship, laughter and tears, super tunes and super moves. Join the middle-aged woman revolution by dancing, claiming and reclaiming the beautiful, glorious and messy complexities of womanhood. 


"all about forward motion, about moving on and up, about embracing life" 
★★★★ Kelly Apter, The Scotsman 

 "an exercise in generosity of spirit"  
★★★★ Lyndsey Winship, The Guardian 

Suitable for: Age 14+ (Nudity, heavy breathing)
This show is captioned.

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