To get ready. To remember that the best way to overcome stagefright is to imagine the audience with their clothes off. To take off one piece of clothing. To explain to them how the atom bomb works and why you would like to have one. To pretend to cry ...
Versions 1-5 is a unique theatrical experiment from a young international company exploring the boundaries of performance. Responding to a set of 101 descriptions of actions, four performers create a short solo, each using the descriptions as text or as literal instructions. The performance culminates in a group interpretation.
Versions 1-5 creates a fascinating dialogue between language and action, providing a framework for four individual approaches to performance, from the personal to the political, the humorous to the sincere.
Performed by Esther Pilkington, Daniel Ladnar, Sandra Laureri and Gareth Llyr, Versions 1 - 5 explores the role of writing and the question of authorship in the collaborative practice of performance.
*A Night Less Ordinary - There are a limited number of free tickets available for this performance to those aged 16-25. Please contact the box office for further details.
This event is part of a collaboration with the Experimentality programme of Lancaster University's Institute for Advanced Studies - a year-long exploration of ideas and practices of experimentation in science and technology, the arts, politics, popular culture and everyday life.
Tuesday 2 February 2010 @ 8pm