Tuesday Talk - Ania Bas

Tuesday Talk - Ania Bas


Our Tuesday Talks invite artists to make a presentation about their ideas or practice, but to think beyond a curriculum vitae style presentation.

Ania Bas


Artist statement

My working process:

Is open


Has gaps

Takes time

Doesn’t have glamorous interface

Involves other people (sometimes they are artists, often they are not)

Makes sense to me

Can be exciting

Can be exiting

Creates space for thinking, discussing, trying things out

Needs space

Is supported by coffee, walking and chocolate

May hurt

Has G.S.O.H.

Hates quick-fix solutions

Wouldn’t work without others

Is hard work (I like hard work)

Wants to be transparent (Not everything is for grabs, there are elements I don’t want to let go of or share)

Is in my head most of the time

Allows me to make time to read

Exists because I don’t want to only work with myself

Gives me better ideas

Helps me think new thoughts and meet new people who don’t think like me

Sometimes engages people in a way that they benefit from it

Is used in a way I don’t want it to be

Create problems

Needs money

Raises money

Makes money

Takes me outside of the studio

Creates waste

Is applied to places classed as ‘deprived’, ‘needy’, ‘poor’

Makes me look at where I live

Gives me multiple postcodes

Makes me wear many hats

Accommodates my fears

Makes me write

Information from http://aniabas.blogspot.co.uk/search/label/statement

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